Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ringkasan Berita dari Chechnya (Ichkeria)

Tanggal 23 Februari lalu adalah tepat 63 Tahun terusirnya bangsa Chechnya dari tanah airnya. Chechnya yang kini bernama Republik Ichkeria - melalui presidenya yang sekarang - Dokka Umarov, membuat pernyataan resmi tentang acara ini. Selain di Chechnya peringatan ini juga dilakukan di Strasbourg Perancis, Inggris, Jerman, serta beberapa negara Eropa lainnya dan terutama Denmark. Selain diikuti warga Chechnya di pengungsian juga beberapa aktifis kemerdekaan turut hadir.

Selain itu di front pertempuran selama pertengahan Februari Samapai tanggal 25 telah terjadi peristiwa penting... untuk jelasnya saya cuplikan langsung dari sumber aslinya - kavkazcenter:

Situation at the fronts of Russian - Caucasian war continues to remain stressed. The mujahideen CRI and Caucasus continue to strike on the places of the accumulations of Russian occupiers and local marionette structures. A whole series of successful operations it is carry out by the Caucasian mujahideen on the past week.

In last week entered information about the fact that already on 6 February, about 7 pm, the mobile group of the mujahideen of the Ingush sector of Caucasian Front accomplished a successful combat operation against kafir's. In the district of village Mayskiy on the column of kafir, which consists of several BTR's and Urals with the terrorists, that was being moved from Ingushetia to the side of Osetia, was inflict on powerful fire strike. Fire was concentrated in the Urals for the purpose of the inflection of the greatest loss to live enemy target. The precise information about the result of operations of the mujahideen thus far did not act; however, it is known that the occupiers sustained large losses.

As reported source in the Chechen command, on the night of 18 February in the course diversionary of operation in the Zavodskoy district of the capital CRI Dzhokhar liquidated 2 Russian kafir - mercenaries. It is known that the mujahideen shot terrorists, who patrolled one of the industrial zones of city. The details of operation are refined

On 19 February in the Nozhay-Yurtovskiy district of the country in the forest tract in the district of village Gansolchu the mobile group of the mujahideen fired the reconnaissance detachment of Russian kafir's. As a result of the shot battle 2 kafir's were destroyed. There are no losses from the side of the mujahideen. During the same day in the Vedenskiy district CRI, between the villages Eshelkhatoy and Elistanzhi, the mujahideen arranged ambush to the special force of occupiers. In the course of 30 minute battle 3 kafir's were killed and not less 4 were injured. From the side of the mujahideen one soldier obtained easy injury.

On 19 February in the Itum-Kalinsk district of the country, in the district of village Ushkaloy, the saboteur team of the mujahideen blew up the group of kafir's, which conducted terrain reconnaissance. As a result of undermining 2 kafir's are liquidated and 2 more are heavily injured. There are no losses from the side of the mujahideen.

On 20 February in the Kurchaloyevskiy district CRI in the forest tract, in the course of the realization of ambush actions it is destroyed 4 kafir's. Several occupiers are injured. The details of operation are refined.

As reported one of the commanders of the mujahideen, amir Yasir, which many years fighting in CRI against Russian kafir's and heads one of the subdivisions of the mujahideen, along the road Avtury - Serjen-yourt was blown up the Ural with the occupiers. As a result of the successful diversion 5 kafir's is liquidated and by 4 is injured. There are no losses among the mujahideen as a result of this operation.

In the district of village Tsentoroy in the Nozhay-Yurtovskiy district CRI the subdivision of amir Yasir attacked the column of the Russian kafir's. It is reported that as a result of blowing up BTR and subsequent firing are destroyed 8 kafir's, many aggressors are injured.

In the district of village Tsa-Vedeno in the Vedenskiy district of the country, is destroyed BMP of kafir's. It is reported that the mujahideen from the subdivisions of amir Khayrulla and Osman attacked the column of Russian occupiers. As a result of attack it is destroyed 3 and is injured 4 kafir's. There are no losses among the mujahideen.

According to the precise information of command by Daghestan Front, in the attack of the mujahideen in the district of villages Temirkhan-Schury (late Buynaksk) as a result of explosion and firing it was destroyed 4 kafir's and 3 are heavily injured. The mujahideen without the losses left the place of operation. At least, 5 munafik's - kadirovists are destroyed as a result of powerful explosion in the place of marionette unit dislocation in the populated area Oyskhar (Novogroznyy) in Gudermes district CRI. Local munafik's initially reported that the 2 additional national- traitors be situated in the hospital in grave condition. However, more lately they transmitted about 8 injured. Meanwhile number of victims among munafik's is more as possible, since explosion, according to the eyewitnesses, was very powerful.

As Russian occupational sources reported, in the Kizlyarskiy district of Daghestan from 5 am on 24 February the battle between the mobile group of the mujahideen and occupational - marionette formation go into action. Battle occurred in the settlement the Perviy Kizlyarskiy, 15 kilometers north of Kizlyar. Occupational sources stated after noon that as a result of the assault of particular house two mujahideen were killed. For one additional mujahideen it was possible to leave the encirclement. However, nearer toward the evening it was declared, that four mujahideens was killed. The bodies of two additional humans (one of which the owner of house) were, allegedly, were discovered after the selection of obstructions the completely destroyed by artillery fire house.

Confirmation of this information from the side of the command of the mujahideen did not act.

In the Naursky district of the Chechen republic Ichkeria, near the settlement Isherskoye, in combat with munafik's 1 mujahideen became Shahid (inshaAllah). As it communicates, with an capture attempt, the mujahideen set in action explosive device. As a result chapter of one of the bands of munafik's "Yug" and 1 additional collaboratore are heavily injured.

In the capital of Daghestan, Shamil'kala (late Makhachkala) in the morning on 22 February is killed the assistant of the mullah of quarterly mosque on Nagornaya ave. As source reported, the body of killed 53 years old Dagir Kachayev with two bullet injuries was discovered in the boiler mosque about 6 am. The details of that occurred are refined.

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